Friday, February 22, 2008

Cairo Gardening Techniques

Ever wonder how the gardener got that mower to your yard? Well, here's how they do it here in Cairo.

That's right - one hand on the bike and the other holding on to the mower!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Funkengroovin Wednesday - Scenes From A Museum, Miscellaneous

Reders will be relieved to know that this is the last in VB's series of posts about the VW Museum in Wolfsburg, Germany. VB's "Miscellaneous" includes a few cars, and exhibits that just did not fit in with the previous posts.

Previous Museum Related Posts:

(Below) Experimental VW.
Forschung means research.

(Below) Type 3 aka Fastback:

From Wiki: "The Type 3 was introduced to diversify Volkswagen's product range beyond the Type 1 (Beetle), the Karmann Ghia, and the Type 2 (Bus). The Type 3 was designed to allow Volkswagen to make a more sophisticated car while maintaining much of the engineering from the Type 1. Though available to much of the world, the Type 3 line was not exported to the United States through Volkswagen of America until the 1966 model year, when the Squareback and Fastback were added to their line-up."

This is when Volkswagen's innovation started going straight down the tubes. VB doesn't like it! She says it's beginning of VW's fugly / boring car syndrome, (except for the Cabriolet.)

(Below) VW Golf:
"The Volkswagen Golf or VW Golf (Mark 1 and Mark 5 badged as Volkswagen Rabbit in the United States and Canada, Mark 1 badged as Volkswagen Caribe in Mexico) is a compact car / small family car that Volkswagen manufactures. The front-wheel drive Golf was Volkswagen's first successful replacement for the air-cooled Volkswagen Beetle. Historically, it is Volkswagen's best-selling model and the world's third best-selling model, with more than 25 million built by 2007."

(Below) The body of a Golf, with all the parts laid out on a table.

(Below) Golf engine parts.


VW Bug owners have a blast at event

"Volksblast 2008, a classic Volkswagen car show, returned to South Miami on Sunday. Vintage Bug owners came from across the country to show off their vehicles." (Further information and photo at the link.)

Ahh, the Porsche/Piech/VW Takeover saga continues!
VW's Piech still trying to maintain iron grip, may oust Porsche boss

Volkswagen Baja Bug featured by Jalopnik. As usual many nice photos with details.

Who built the electric car?

"Garver, however, was not inspired by the 2006 film to build his own electric car. He built his electric way back in 1980 from a 1971 Volkswagen Super Beetle.

"It started like twenty years ago, in 1981 or '82. I got interested in it [building an electric car] and I found some articles where people had converted a Volkswagen out in California to electric power," Garver said.

"They were using old aircraft engines. So I thought 'this might be kind of fun to do.' And seeing as I work as a research scientist and all, I built a car with an aircraft engine in the '80s and ran it to the University a little bit then," he said." (More on Garver's car and a photo at the link.)

Eight 'Beetle guys' keep original Bug alive

"VW Germany stopped production of the Beetle in 1978 but Puebla making them, mostly for the local and Latin American market, where they were hugely popular. The last of more than 21-million Beetles was built there in 2003.

Mexicans fondly refer to it as "Vochito" - little beetle - and it continues to be the classic, indestructible Mexican taxi

But its days are numbered; cheap vehicles from China and India are entering the market, others from Japan and South Korea have been there a while.

Many Mexicans are unhappy about that; taxi drivers from Taxco, a high-altitude mining town with steep streets in the state of Guerrero have asked VW to at least continue to build Beetle engines. They claim no other vehicle suits the tough conditions there and there many enthusiasts who look after their Beetles like precious jewels."

Auto owners bare all in racy survey

"Last year, 1,000 men and women commissioned by Lifeskool, an on-demand cable show, took part in a "Cars and Summer Romance" survey. Nearly 70% said they wanted to have sex in their vehicle, and nearly half the respondents have been using their cars as a nookie nest since graduating high school.

In 2006, Britain's Daily Mail reported that 4,000 people said their top fave car to have sex in was the Volvo Estate (that's the V50 wagon here in the U.S.).

It's a surprising result given Volvo's overall non-glam reputation in America.
The Mercedes Sprinter — an upscale van — came in second, and the VW Camper van came in third. BMW's 3-series was fourth, and, believe or not, the Ford Escort was number five.

Sixty-eight percent of the respondees said they'd had sex in a car, but the most alarming news was that one out of 10 said they'd engaged in amorous activities while the car was moving.

A further 6% admitted to damaging their cars during the encounters."

And last, but not least a big "No Duh" for the linked article below. Oh, and BTW, go and express your opinion. This is it for this week's Rotten News. There's more on the web, but VB has her limitis!
Will VW loyalists turn their back on the Routan?

"...And if the buzz on the web -- including the comments on this blog post from's Minivans site -- are any indication, the Volkswagenisti may be none to happy about the fact that the newest Volkswagen isn't a Volkswagen, but is in fact a Chysler."

WTF is a "Volkswagenisti"? That sounds awfully Italian! When VB tried to do a Goggle search for it, all she got was a bunch of Italian sites. Aand, then when she tried to get a definition, the closest thing Goggle could find was this:
"In the late 1990s, a group of Volkswagen enthusiasts formed Volkswagenism, a satirical religion based off of owners devoted loyalty to the Beetle, and the company. Under the leadership of founder Jason Gaudet, this "religion" has gained notoriety through radio, television and print coverage from around the world...turning ordinary fans of the car into Volkswagenists."

Bon Jovi - It's My Life (Two VW Beetles in this video.)

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Amazing Egyptian Mousetrap!

Last week VB's house had a surprise visitor. While VB was in the bedroom she saw a mouse sitting on the floor across the room. The little rat decided to dart behind furniture, and managed to avoid capture amid the chaotic chase that followed. The Boss Man decided to go back into the TV room. The last straw came when the brazen visitor decided to run around, and in front of, the bedroom TV, while VB was trying to settle down and take her mind of the creature - by watching TV! A total VB psycho freak-out ensued! Subsequently VB, and The Boss Man, ended up sleeping in the TV room, for two nights.

In the meantime they were able to purchase Egyptian mouse traps. Now these traps are not at all like the ones we normally use in the States. The Boss Man claimed the traps were an amazing example of much soldering and craftsmanship, while VB complained that the mouse could escape. A debate ensued as VB has caught over 40 mice in her lifetime, using a variety of methods. For once, VB was pretty sure of what she was talking about, while The Boss Man scoffed.

VB can't understand why though, in Cairo, they would make humane mousetraps that let mice escape, but use poison on cats, and shoot dogs on the streets. On the other hand, she also thought these traps were more for rats. The salesmen recommend using poison - that's a gruesome and ugly death. Plus, we have a puppy and don't want her getting into it. Besides, once poisoned, the mouse will go hide somewhere to die and then stink up the whole place! VB prefers a quick and sudden solution to the problem, not available at any of the shops visited, short of whacking the damn thing with an axe! (VB couldn't even smack it with a broom.)

VB now discusses how to catch a mouse with the amazing Egyptian mousetrap. Oh, and you might be asking what happened to all those cats? They're just like the police - never around when you really need them!

The Amazing Mousetrap:

After several escapes we decided that duct tape was the solution. “All of life’s problems can be solved with two things—duct tape and WD40. If it moves and it shouldn’t, you need duct tape. And if it doesn’t move and it should, you need WD40.”—Unknown

A look inside the baited prison walls.

The bait:

Having just escaped with a few licks of peanutty goodness, he decides to make sure it's "all clear," before venturing out for more. This was right after he tripped the trap and we observed him hightailing it out of there. Everything not in aluminum wrapped and sealed airtight bags, was put into plastic bins (mice love dog treats too.)

Yesss! Go for it you little rat - go man, go!

After catching said suspect, take trap outside, and let mouse go. It might exhibit post traumatic stress syndrome at first, but will scamper off as soon as a threat (like VB's puppy) appears.

Little mouse ran off the porch and into the bushes. The cats will catch up to him eventually. The traps are set and ready for any further incursions! American mouse traps now on the "need to buy" list for the next trip back to the States.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Funkengroovin Wednesday - Scenes From A Museum, The Toys

A very short blog today, as VB tries to finish up with her Museum series. She plans to close up with one last post about miscellaneous VW items. For now, if you'd like to visit the museum, but were worried about taking the kids, have no fear. Here are a few things for the kids to see and do, while at the VW Museum in Wolfsburg, in addition, of course, to going gaga over some of the vehicles on display. Again, apologies for the grainy photos, and for the fact that VB knows it's not Wednesday. (Also, Google spellcheck still not working, but Cairo Internet is much better.)

Previous Museum Related Posts:
Funkengroovin Wednesday-Scenes From A Museum
Funkengroovin Wednesday - Scenes From A Museum, Beetles
Funkengroovin Wednesday-Scenes From A Museum, The Oddities and Egyptian Relatives
Funkengroovin Wenesday-Scenes From A Museum, Rarities and Relatives

(Below) The perennially annoying rocking ride, seen outside many American grocery stores (except not usually in the form of a Beetle.)

(Below) Two LEGO Cars.

(Below) One of my favorite pins - a sample of what you can find at the"Museum Shop". The VW Museum Shop, was, as of 1996, a wall display at the exit door of the Museum. Not at all like the museum shops you find in artsy museums these days. It was rather stark and you could easily walk right past it, on your way out the door. There was a service counter, and opposite, items were displayed on a wall. That was about it. Umbrellas, ties, keychains, jewelry, and an odd assortment of items were available, at that time. VB's not sure what the "Museum Shop" looks like or what they carry these days, although here's a link, if you'd like to browse (German only.)