Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Funkengroovin Wednesday - Little Red Wagons

Next week we celebrate Valentine's Day. So today, VB paints the scene red. These are cars, mostly from the past, that VB has not posted yet. Also, under the news section, is an area for finding just the right gift for your VW lovin' honey.

(Below): Red Bug, which VB always sees in the drive at this apartment complex. She has not had the nerve to go into the driveway to capture a front shot, out of fear of being chased down by a crazy, mad boab.

(Below): Another red Bug, as seen when it drove past VB.

(Below): If VB hits the road where Spectra is, at just the right time, she usually catches a Bus delivering food to the restaurant. Today, she only got the front of the bus, but if you enlarge the photo, you might be able to see a panther on the side. VB's been waiting for this Bus to come back around, for quite some time, to no avail.

The Roastery, which is a restaurant above the Spectra (in the basement), was closed for about a year and a half, while it was being renovated. It's open again, carrying the same menu, but one that looks more like the old Spectra menu. The interior is classier, has two levels (one ground and another on the second floor) and most likely made to garner the same crowd as the Spectra - youngish. They serve no alcohol. The food is so-so. VB liked it better when it was a more causal place. Rumor has it a Chinese restaurant is opening on the second level, above La Cassetta. These are all restaurants located in the Resident Hotel on Road 18, Maadi.

(Below 2 photos): More red Bugs.


Bungee jumper? No, a VW Beetle

Gay friendly cars

The six best sledges in the world!
"Volkswagen Snow Flyer Herbie
Ah, this is more like it. See, Volkswagen? You don’t have to go fast to enjoy the slopes. The Snow Flyer Herbie is modelled on the lunatic Beetle of the same name, features dual skis and steering control, a brake, footrest, backrest and non-slip seat. Still, we bet you won’t look like Lindsay Lohan driving it."

Porsche’s new museum in Stuttgart - a ‘must’ visit!

A new arrival
"The Galactic Wizard is a bus (VW bus) mounted on top of a bus (a school bus). Talk about a blast from the hippy past!"
(Photo album available

If you're in to skateboards, here's a cool one: Surf One VW Micro Bus Complete Deck

Interview With Rory MacLean: ‘Magic Bus’ on the Hippie Trail

"For most Intrepids, the trip was the journey of their life—the experience of their life. Just consider how they traveled. A few flew directly to India, but the majority drove east from Europe. War-surplus Jeeps, retired Royal Mail vans, fried-out VW campers, rainbow-colored London double deckers, clapped-out Turkish coaches. I even heard of a Scotsman who drove a Messerschmidt bubble car to India. It was the weirdest procession of unroadworthy vehicles ever to roll and rock across the face of the earth."

More info and loads of photos (not necessarily containg VWs here, at

Valentine's Day Gifts:

VW Beetle 1975 Cabriolet Valentine´s Day

VW Valentines Cards

cheap Valentine VW , bug key chain. Price: $6 total !

Chocolate Covered VW Bug for Valentine’s

Valentine’s Day Launch For Air-cooled VW Podcast
"Taking love as her launch theme, very appropriate for the 14th Feb, Lucie takes a quirky look at how to create a VW themed wedding. She’s pulled off some really entertaining interviews including with a minister in Arizona who helps VW fans hold VW themed wedding ceremonies in a converted VW chapel. The passion for all things VW is evident throughout, not just from Lucie, but from many of the enthusiasts she interviews. Love and podcasting - a powerful combination!

Lucie’s also come up with a nice 2 minute YouTube video as a trailer for the audio podcast. An innovative promotional idea and very well done.

Do go over and check out the podcast. Over time I can see this doing for VW garages what Heather Gorringe has done for natural gardening."

NEW VW Bus Tin and '70s Favorite Candies

New Beetle Valentine
"Vw sweden asked decorater Maja Braune to give the new beetle a new look for Valentine's day."

DubMonkeys (many gift ideas)

Dairy Free Chocolate Decadence Volkswagen

They sell numerous wall stickers at Urban Outfitters, but none, so far, of VWs. The ones below are from a Britain.
VW Beatle Wall Sticker, VW Camper Van Wall Sticker

Closing the Gap- Won't You Ride in My Little Red Wagon


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In BangkoK, At Chatuchak market I cam across a poster seller, who might have been your doppelganger.
    The first person I thought of was you. He had over 200 posters of Beetles, in every shape size and colour. It was amazing.
    VIVA la Beetle.
    HAPPY Valentines

  3. Hallo liebe Internetgemeinde,

    unsere verrückte VW Bulli Fahrgemeinschaft ( ) braucht wegen der anhaltenden Weltwirtschaftskrise ein wenig Tankgeld. Bitte seid so lieb und stimmt für unser "Abwrackprämie - Nein Danke" - Video auf unter für uns ab. Die Abstimmung läuft nur bis Sonntag Abend. Einfach das Video im Kästchen abhaken , den Sicherheitscode eingeben und ab damit. Nur der 1. Platz bekommt die begehrten 1000 (€) Flocken. Danke für Euer Voting.

    P.S. Ihr dürft diese E-Mail auch gerne an Eure E-Mailverteiler weiterleiten.

    Danke sagen : Günter,Zottel,Crazy Dog,Waldi,Schlachter,Wolle,König und Husti :-)
