Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Funkengroovin Wednesday - Scenes From A Car Chase

Typically, VB tries to take photos of cars, and get additional information, (if the owner is around) when they're parked. Cairo parking can resemble sardines packed into a tin can, so finding a spot to stop, off the road, can sometimes be problematic. The only other way to get photos, is to chase the damn car, until VB can get a decent photo or, as in this case, it turns off onto a path where we have no desire to follow. Here's how we do it:
Once a VW has been spotted, The Boss Man tries to chase it down to get closer.

Sometimes traffic gets in the way.

(Below): See the top of the van? Just beyond the red car.

(Below): Yikes! It's getting away! Can't even hardly see it now.

(Below): Ahh, there it is. Looks like a massive traffic jam ahead.

(Below): Getting closer - traffic seems to be clogged up for some reason.

(Below): The VW Van turns off.

(Below two photos): Reason for the major traffic jam - just another broke down police car!

No news today. There is news out there, but nothing of great interest.

The Kinks - Lola

More on Road Trips, Road Food, and TV coming soon.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Test Print - Bug Fest 2

Last week it was this, (BTW, one flew down VB's blouse last night) and now it's THIS! (See below.) Flying black ants, and they are ginormous! Not quite swarming, but sort of, and frightening enough to give even the most seasoned bug / mouse killer, the creeps. VB wonders if they bite. They look vicious.

All these damn bugs remind VB of The Naked Jungle, starring Charlton Heston, which she saw a long, long time ago. A good review can be found here: Heston vs. the Marabunta. And yeah, he's gonna kill those mothers with that fucking rifle! (But, no, not really; but yeah, but noo; but the NRA would probably be more than happy to help out with that endeavor.)

If going to bed, whacking flying ginormous black ants isn't enough, when VB wakes up the next morning, she finds this (below):

Yes, that's three sheets of printer paper on the floor. VB now knows that the electricity went off three times while she was sleeping. VB's printer has the habit of spitting out test prints every time it reboots (it drives puppy, Lotus, nuts.) The electricity went off four times in one day, over the weekend (that we know of.)

Now, if someone could just tell VB why the hell there's no cold water in her shower, just scalding hot, she'd be a little bit happier. With the temps running around 97-98 degrees, it would be nice to have some cold (even lukewarm) water. Or do we have to pay extra for cold water now? - Like the rising prices of everything else isn't enough!