Saturday, November 7, 2009

Open Farm Sunday

Last week we went to Open Farm Sunday, sponsored by Cabot Creamery Cooperative, and hosted by a local farm.  Awesome Daughter was not interested in staying too long, until...they offered her complimentary corn chowder and sharp cheddar cheese.  It was somewhat coincidental, as we were talking about making corn chowder for dinner.  VB presents a short tour of the farm.  We had fun.  And, of course, everyone on the tour behaved like a bunch of schoolkids at a petting zoo!

Below:  The old main barn, where we were greeted and fed.

Below 2 photos:  Cows are hungry creatures.  Some of these animals produce enormous amounts of milk each day, others - not so much.  Added up though, they provide us with our daily intake of main dairy products.  They are also very friendly creatures, or at least that's what VB thought.

Below:  This is a mechanical milking machine.  All cows teats are wiped clean with antibacterial wash, milked, then washed clean again, and given a soothing cream so their teats stay nice and soft - something of that nature.  And for cows unable to get into the milking center, say too pregnant, they have portable milking machines!  Wow, and VB thought she was going to see the real McCoy milking procedure (dude sitting on a wooden bucket, hand milking the cow - VB's kinda behind the times on some of this new technological stuff.)

Below:  The milk tank, with magnetic messages about farming and farming in Connecticut.

Below:  One of the messages, which VB highly recommends - buy local.

Below:  The pregnant cows.  Don't they look overly friendly!  That's because (VB found out,) Awesome Daughter was carrying dog treats in her pocket and they totally wanted to be with her!

Below:  This is a calf barn.  These calves are a bit older, and they get transferred here to socialize after being moved from the greenhouse.  The two calves below are not dairy cows.  They will be on your dinner table one of these days.  This farm also sells beef (Angus), and you can order from them (you know like a whole side, a quarter, something like that.)  At this size, they also have their horns taken off, so they don't injure each other.  Apparently, with horns, when they are hungry and pushing through the throng of other cattle, they poke and injure each other inadvertently.  The horn removal prevents that from happening.

Below: Our last stop was at the calf greenhouse.  We saw a calf, just born the day before.  These are calves that are very young, still nursing, and isolated as they have a habit of mistaking each other for their mothers, sucking, and yes, causing injury.  Here (next 3 photos) we have a female calf, who is absolutely smitten with VB's camera strap!

Below: Awesome Daughter pets the female calf.

Below:  You can see her again.  She's the only one standing, waiting for more visitors
 to welcome.

Below:  After our Open Farm visit, we stopped at our local farm stand to buy corn for our chowder.  The stand was closed, but still open for business.  They have a slot in the wooden windows for money.  Here pumpkins are on display so you can gauge the size when you buy one.  There's a sign with prices on the window.  Many farm stands around here are unattended / self serve.

Below 2 photos:  Our corn chowder and grilled sandwiches.

As VB writes this, she's watching Martha Stewart who is focusing on cheese.

And for some fun, A take off on VB's favorite show Mad Men. This is called Milk Men.

Milk Men - A Mad Men Parody

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Funkengroovin - Terryville, CT Bug-A-Fair 2009, All Tarted Up

More from Terryville.  A lot of car entrants try to make their cars look sexier either with fancy mechanical gadgetry or spicing up the looks.  Here are a few examples of some Bugs that have been all tarted up.


60 years since the trusteeship of the Volkswagenwerk was placed in German hands

1966 VW Bug's Incredible Cross-Country Tour Now Reaches Montana! The Little Bug that Could!

Old-School Beetle Runs on Batteries and Biodiesel
"Students at the University of Kansas have built what may be the coolest hybrid ever — a 1974 Volkswagen Super Beetle–series hybrid that burns biodiesel and gets about 50 mpg."

(Check out the photos and video)
Paul Newman’s Mid-Engine, Ford 351 Powered VW Beetle

An Old Landmark In West Charlotte Could Go Away
"CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- It’s been a beacon for decades at the corner of Freedom and West Morehead, in West Charlotte an old VW Beetleon top of an old garage. Some neighborhood groups call it a landmark, well the city says it may have to come down."

Krider Racing borrows Bug, takes Beetleball title

Tea guru takes boutique brand to a new level
"In the early days at Stash Tea, he discovered Oregon's exceptional peppermint (used then in toothpaste and mouthwash), and persuaded growers in Prineville and Madras to harvest it to his specifications for tea. "We got a couple of Volkswagen busloads, then graduated to semi truck loads," Smith says. "I would drive the combine and harvest, then drive the semi truck with 25,000 pounds of leaves in it into what's now known as the Pearl District."

Today his palate is just as acute. He'll only buy chamomile from the Fayoum Oasis in Egypt, just south of Cairo. "We need tight heads, a small amount of stems, fresh product," he says."

Home remodel leaves Thorp family living in vans
"The Olliviers have circled up seven of their VW vans and campers in the backyard between their home and the river, somewhat like covered wagons.

Four of vans serve as bedrooms, one each for Jan, Jacques and sons Jordan, 12, and Joe, 15.

Three other vans are for storage and other amenities.

There’s a picnic table in the center with a large umbrella over it for family dining and the boys’ afternoon homework, a power cord from the house for a hot plate and other appliances, and ice chests in place of a refrigerator.

A portable toilet/outhouse, also used by the contractor, serves as a family restroom. A ladder against their house leads to a remodeled bathroom area in the house’s second floor where showers are taken.

All the comforts of home. Well, sort of."

It's Friday: Is this the World's Most Miserly VW Bus?

VW camper van hearse created for funerals

Odd Pueblo: Snappy or Crappy?
"Several folks also voted crappy on a bugged-out VW bug posted many moons ago – but now we got the Volkswagen’s big sister: an awesome Volkswagen bus.
Judging from my calling it awesome, you can bet I think this thing is groovy. Check out the slide show, featuring six ways of looking at a VW bus."

VW Said to Discuss Buying Insolvent Carmaker Karmann (Update1)

Last year VB noted an article about Jay Leno where he mentioned being asked to do an American version of Top Gear.  He basically said, "no."  Apparently he has changed his mind.   NBC has built a race track for Leno's new show:  (from September)    Wheels: Jay Leno’s Green Car Challenge Puts Guests on Racetrack,
"The latest TV reality show is the “Green Car Challenge,” an irregular segment — which first appeared Friday — on “The Jay Leno Show.” Celebrities will compete in a specially prepared electric Ford Focus on a racetrack built just outside the NBC studio in Burbank, Calif."