Saturday, March 21, 2009

Funkengroovin - Day Two - Mid-day, Bibliotheca Alexandrina

After fleeing the fish market, we took a taxi to the Library of Alexandria, aka Bibliotheca Alexandrina. We had tried to visit in October, during our Eid visit, but it was closed for the holiday. Today, it was packed. When we arrived, two gatekeepers informed us we needed to buy tickets, and turn in our bags. The tickets for "Foreigners" cost 10 LE each. We turned in our bags, and received a numbered retrieval card for the bags. There's no problem with cameras, though.

Outside the library was packed with what appeared to be students.

Once inside, the library looks awesome. Number One Son said, "Oh, this is a real library." No shit Sherlock. The Main Reading Room looks like an auditorium with various levels of tables, books, and displays. There are even more, upper levels, to the right.

Some of the displays are of old printing devices.

After touring the Main Reading Room, VB spotted the Espresso Book Machine room. WTF!? According to Wikipedia: "The Espresso Book Machine (EBM) is a printing press that will print and deliver physical books within minutes and works much like a soda vending machine. The result is the print on demand principle, but without a publisher directly involved. The machine is an invention of the On Demand Books company."

On we went into a display area containing old photos and lithographs of Alexandria.

There are more exhibits on the same level. After going through several rooms of various exhibits, we arrived back at the information desk. We picked up what was called "a map," but is really just a brochure outlining what's on the different floors of the library, memberships, and a "how to" section. Beyond the information center, are sculptural displays, some of which are shown here.

And back at the main entrance, is a sculpture that can be seen outside the main window.

We retrieve our bags, and decide we need a Starbucks, so we hop a taxi, to the Four Seasons Hotel (or as our driver finally realized, "Aahh, Khamsa Saison"). On the way, we followed a VW Bus, getting up close and personal, then we were left in it's dust.

Now, for some coffee at Starbucks.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day Two, Alex - Morning

Yes, we are still watching traffic from our window. But, since we're on the Corniche and along the shore, there's plenty else to see.

As usual, the traffic is chaotic. A huge bus, reflecting small huts along the shore on it's windshield, decides to come bounding in to the intersection, pushing everyone else aside.

Then, there's another Beetle. This time red.

And a three wheeled motorcycle, on the sidewalk. It's gotta be safer and quicker, that's for sure.

As VB sips her coffee, two people run across the beach together.

"What do we do today," is the breakfast question. Both The Boss Man and Number One Son are allergic to art museums, and any other thing called "a museum" causes knipschen fits. VB wasn't interested so much either. After Greece, including Vergina, when it was still a virginal tourist site, among other sites we've visited, the VB family has pretty much had our fill of the same old same old. We asked (and showed the mapped) to go to the lighthouse at Abu Qir, but the cabbie dropped us off at Fort Qaitbay. Obviously, something was lost in the translation, or lack thereof. The lighthouse, according to our map, is at the other end of the inlet (it's actually twelve miles east of Alexandria, but looks closer on the map). This all could possibly have been avoided, had VB not left her guidebook on the train. So, we once again amble along the pier. And again, in better lighting, sans the fugly display, we drift towards a few sellers. VB was drawn to the display with an evil eye, mounted on large shells.

She then wandered over to a stand where she bought a small wooden bastet, while Number One Son checked out watches.

VB thinks Number One Son might have taken this photo. She was having problems with her Nikon D40, when he grabbed it and snapped a photo, mocking her for being an idiot. Whatever.... It's two men fishing off the pier.

As we left, we spotted a bunch of school boys pushing a broke down school bus.

They actually helped get it jump started, and they were pretty juiced up about it too. VB was never in a class so enthusiastic to get back to school after a field trip. This was certainly a sight to see and savor.

We walked by two men repairing tiles on a wall.

And the horse and buggy drivers. These are all over Alexandria, and many people use them as an alternative to taxis.

As we tried to follow the map to the Lighthouse, we got lost along a street reeking of fish. The smell was so strong, we could barely snap a few shots, before we rushed back towards the main road, giving up our search.

It's at this point we hail a taxi, heading to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Funkengroovin - Day One, Alex

Upon our arrival in Alexandria, we were met by two Beetles at the train station.

From our room, which had a sea view, we spotted a white Beetle nearing.

Then it was just underneath, in Corniche traffic.

Looking farther east, an intersection with constant congestion provided entertainment (the hotel TeeVee options were crappy.)

The view beyond our hotel, took us just to another bend in the road, along the Corniche.

After, unpacking, a few drinks, and snacks, we ventured out to
Fort Qaitbay. It was just around sunset, at this point.

The Fort was actually closed, but the promenade provided plenty of sights, including a family trying to eat, despite being inundated with begging cats.

Couples sat along the pier at sunset.

Sellers presented strange, fugly, displays for their wares. This was a seashell seller.

As we walked towards the Corniche, we passed a kiosk, with wonderful pastel colors.

We spotted a dive center, with an interesting sign.

Then, of course, we spotted a Doka! Parked on the street, near a few sheesha joints.

Some yummy looking sweets, with a wonderful window display. It reminded VB of the coffee houses in Vienna - all old fashioned, and very proper looking.

We arrived at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, and decided to call it a night, signaling a taxi.

Back at the hotel, the intersection entertainment was still there, and even more enjoyable, as large groups of pedestrians tried to maneuver through traffic.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Funkengroovin - To Alex

There are not as many VW photos today as VB usually posts, but there were a few surprises we caught on our way to Alexandria, Egypt. VB admits, she missed three VW Buses, and a man taking a leak on the highway, while she was on the way to the train station. Sometimes she's just not that quick.

(Below): A bright yellow Bus going in the opposite direction.

(Below): Wondering what the hell is hanging off this truck?

(Below): Just a bunch of garbage.

(Below): A VW special order high roof Bus. This one, a friend says, is a medical supply company.

(Below): Red Beetle with a flat.

(Below): Blue Beetle on a bridge, taken from another bridge.

(Below): We rounded our bridges and got a bit closer.

(Below): At the station - a woman waits at a kiosk.

(Below): Something VB wants to do one of these days. Perhaps to Luxor.

(Below): The train arrives. It's an express, taking two hours to get to Alexandria from Cairo.

(Below): Reflections. The window reflects what's happening at the station (to VB's left,) while she takes a photo of another train (to her right.)

(Below): More reflections. (The overhead glass storage area.)

(Below): A tomato truck on the parallel highway. You can see farmers in the background. This whole area from Cairo to Alexandria is fertile and abundant with farms.

(Below): VB was fooling around, taking a photo of the window logo. Then...

as we slowed down near a village we all heard a loud crash. Someone either threw a rock or shot at the train. The windows are double walled. The outside window broke completely. This is what was left of the interior window. The woman wearing the red scarf, seen earlier in the reflections photo, pulled the screen down, and then moved to the other side of the train. This was shot, as we were leaving the train, in Alexandria.

VB is busy entertaining Number One Son, so no news today.