Funkengroovin Wednesday - More Two-tone Madness
VB had a previous Two-Tone Madness post featuring...Two-toned VW's. Here's a few more for your enjoyment. Photos are pretty much self explanatory. VB apologizes for the non-explanations, but let's get real. This Presidential campaign has been maddening, and it's finally over. VB stayed up way past her bedtime to hear election night results and speeches.
As for her work as an "Unofficial Poll Watcher" - it was real. She sat next to her neighbor, a real live Republican, who is so Republican it's not funny, but not like Palin. We talked "Association" issues, such as a house in foreclosure that will be auctioned off by the bank. Sad news. Then we joked about the boarding school that bussed it's students in to vote at our address appointments (when you poll watch, you get assigned addresses, not names.) Then VB's neighbor was replaced by a woman, who's perfume finally made VB leave. VB had been there for three hours (one hour more than agreed upon. ) Besides the fact that this woman muttered, and shifted papers confusingly for her first ten minutes, while VB was trying to listen to the voters when they gave their addresses (as an "unofficial poll watcher" you are not allowed to have interactions with the voters), and then try to hear the voters' names (so VB could check them off the list), she (this woman) just made VB's interesting experience, very intense. VB went home and nursed her perfume laden headache with a gin and tonic. Even though the evening started out gloomy, today, Wednesday 5 November 2008, has been outstanding! Sorry for the late post, but VB warned you.
VB is just so happy the election is over, and she can refocus on her blog again.
All these photos were taken before VB left Cairo, last month. (Two Beetles and a Transporter.)
(Below): Another violation of the New Egyptian Traffic Law! (Actually, there's probably more than one but VB just felt this was too obvious.)
(Mostly presidential, and general. No specifically VW news this week - it's been kind of slow time for VW news anyway.)
Since this was election week, there have been numerous articles about Presidential Limos, and getting out the vote (GOTV.) For international comparison, and more information about Presidential cars, most loaded with photos, check out these links:
Presidential Cars of 20 Countries [PICS],
Presidential cars then and now,
Presidential Cars: Power, Prestige, and Style,
A Brief History Of Presdiential Cars (International),
Presidential hopefuls and first cars (No. None of them had a VW. These are all the candidates from the Presidential Primaries.)
Presidential cars of the United States of America
President Taft Drove an Electric Car
And now for something completely different (more in the "youbetcha, that, there; wink, wink" department): Top Presidential Drives, "Gov. Palin is proud of the many miles she’s put on her fire engine red VW Jetta diesel. (I was unable to confirm the model year, but it must be circa 1990s.) It seems she’s a car enthusiast because Gov. Palin could easily hire a driver. However, she again proudly drives herself, her hubby Todd Palin and her five kids around in a government-issued Chevy Suburban. I recently met a bunch of real Alaskans at an annual meeting of the Alaska Travel Industry Association where I found Alaskans have a strong penchant for the Chevrolet and Subaru brands. (Alaskans particularly love the versatile and reliable Subaru Forester.) So, if Palin and McCain win on Tuesday, I think Palin should consider upgrading her family’s ride to the more environmentally-friendly Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid. The “rogue” Palin may also think about replacing her aging Jetta with ultra low emissions 2009 VW Jetta TDI, which has a super zippy 2.0-liter engine that gets 44 mpg highway and 38 mpg city."
Executive Privilege, All Stretched Out and Armored
"Since the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, presidential limousines have offered protection from attack amid the trappings of a luxury car."
"That innocent time ended in February 1933, after Giuseppe Zangara’s assassination attempt on Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was in an open Buick in Miami. (The attack killed Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago.)
In response, the Secret Service put an armored automobile at the president’s disposal — a Cadillac that the Treasury Department had seized from Al Capone.
Roosevelt eventually received armored limos made just for him, beginning a tradition of specialized presidential cars."
Presidential Power on the Road
"The next president will likely travel in an armored, fortress-like Cadillac unlike any other."
"AFTER President McCain or Obama takes the oath of office in January, he may have a shiny new black limousine to go along with his not-so-new White House. General Motors is believed to be putting the final touches on a new First Car.
"An analysis of unauthorized photographs taken while the car was being tested last summer on public roads suggests that the presidential ride will be a truck-based Cadillac. It will presumably replace the Cadillac that President Bush has used since 2005."
Presidential limos would have great appeal to collectors. But the Secret Service has shown no enthusiasm for letting recent White House cars fall into private hands. When the cars are retired, they often disappear, to be destroyed or used in Secret Service training."
It's Time for Drive-Thru Voting
"Chaos, that's what. Election officials worry about technology breakdowns, flawed voter lists and other problems. Early voting and absentee ballots help ease the crush, but it's time to seriously consider an idea that has emerged this year -- drive-through voting.
The idea has caught on in places like California's El Dorado and Sonoma counties and Douglas County, Oregon. It's cheap, it's easy and it should be replicated everywhere."
Campaigns Use Anything With Wheels to Get Out the Vote
"With Election Day upon us, Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama have shifted their focus from tearing each other apart to getting out the vote. They want every one of their supporters to pull a lever, tap a touchscreen or punch a ballot, and they're doing everything they can to get them to the polls.
Convincing people to vote is different than actually getting them to vote, and the campaigns — and their armies of supporters — know it. So they're pulling out all the stops to get voters to the polls. "We have drivers and we have vans," Obama volunteer Val Scarborough told "We're doing everything in our power to get people out.""
"With so many ground workers transporting so many people to their polling place, it's hard to imagine that this kind of thing used to be illegal. According to a New York Times article from 1912, giving a fellow American a ride to the polls violated the Corrupt Practices Act."
"Turnout expected to break all records — some say as many as 80 percent of registered voters will cast a ballot today — and voters are going to great lengths to make their voices heard. But the most extreme example has to be the couple living in India who didn't receive their absentee ballots, so they spent 22 hours flying to New York to cast their votes. "We decided it was important to stand up and be counted," Susan Scott-Ker told The New York Times.
It's crazy, but it's awesome. And if they can do it, so can we. Whether you drive, bus, fly or walk, please make sure you hit the polls this year."
The Best and The Worst McCain Vs Obama Get-Out-The-Votemobiles, from Jalopnik.
Some Gas Stations Running on Empty
"Most of the gas stations in my neighborhood don’t sell gas anymore.
It happened gradually, but one by one they started roping off the pumps and putting up “no gas” signs. They do repairs, emissions testing and some sell candy, but they don’t pump gas."
"The study found that insurance claims for crashes with animals is three times higher in November than it is from January to September.
"The months with the most crash deaths coincide with fall breeding season," said Anne McCartt, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's senior vice president for research."
"No full-size sedans come close to meeting the new fuel economy requirements for New York’s car services.
Fuel-Efficient Black Cars: A Taximoron?
Is It Real or a Replica? The Factory Knows All
"Manufacturers now offer verification services for collectors looking to avoid duplicates."
"“There’s a lot of shenanigans going on, with some people building duplicates or turning one car into another one that’s more valuable” said Adam Rowley, vice president for technical services at Ferrari North America. “Some people have built very good replicas and have been upfront about it. But others have not been so upfront.”"
Drive if You Dare: The World's Scariest Cars
VB may have played a different version of this song before, but this one is full of all the same bright colors seen in the VW photos above.
The Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today
As for her work as an "Unofficial Poll Watcher" - it was real. She sat next to her neighbor, a real live Republican, who is so Republican it's not funny, but not like Palin. We talked "Association" issues, such as a house in foreclosure that will be auctioned off by the bank. Sad news. Then we joked about the boarding school that bussed it's students in to vote at our address appointments (when you poll watch, you get assigned addresses, not names.) Then VB's neighbor was replaced by a woman, who's perfume finally made VB leave. VB had been there for three hours (one hour more than agreed upon. ) Besides the fact that this woman muttered, and shifted papers confusingly for her first ten minutes, while VB was trying to listen to the voters when they gave their addresses (as an "unofficial poll watcher" you are not allowed to have interactions with the voters), and then try to hear the voters' names (so VB could check them off the list), she (this woman) just made VB's interesting experience, very intense. VB went home and nursed her perfume laden headache with a gin and tonic. Even though the evening started out gloomy, today, Wednesday 5 November 2008, has been outstanding! Sorry for the late post, but VB warned you.
VB is just so happy the election is over, and she can refocus on her blog again.
All these photos were taken before VB left Cairo, last month. (Two Beetles and a Transporter.)
(Below): Another violation of the New Egyptian Traffic Law! (Actually, there's probably more than one but VB just felt this was too obvious.)
(Mostly presidential, and general. No specifically VW news this week - it's been kind of slow time for VW news anyway.)
Since this was election week, there have been numerous articles about Presidential Limos, and getting out the vote (GOTV.) For international comparison, and more information about Presidential cars, most loaded with photos, check out these links:
Presidential Cars of 20 Countries [PICS],
Presidential cars then and now,
Presidential Cars: Power, Prestige, and Style,
A Brief History Of Presdiential Cars (International),
Presidential hopefuls and first cars (No. None of them had a VW. These are all the candidates from the Presidential Primaries.)
Presidential cars of the United States of America
President Taft Drove an Electric Car
And now for something completely different (more in the "youbetcha, that, there; wink, wink" department): Top Presidential Drives, "Gov. Palin is proud of the many miles she’s put on her fire engine red VW Jetta diesel. (I was unable to confirm the model year, but it must be circa 1990s.) It seems she’s a car enthusiast because Gov. Palin could easily hire a driver. However, she again proudly drives herself, her hubby Todd Palin and her five kids around in a government-issued Chevy Suburban. I recently met a bunch of real Alaskans at an annual meeting of the Alaska Travel Industry Association where I found Alaskans have a strong penchant for the Chevrolet and Subaru brands. (Alaskans particularly love the versatile and reliable Subaru Forester.) So, if Palin and McCain win on Tuesday, I think Palin should consider upgrading her family’s ride to the more environmentally-friendly Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid. The “rogue” Palin may also think about replacing her aging Jetta with ultra low emissions 2009 VW Jetta TDI, which has a super zippy 2.0-liter engine that gets 44 mpg highway and 38 mpg city."
Executive Privilege, All Stretched Out and Armored
"Since the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, presidential limousines have offered protection from attack amid the trappings of a luxury car."
"That innocent time ended in February 1933, after Giuseppe Zangara’s assassination attempt on Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was in an open Buick in Miami. (The attack killed Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago.)
In response, the Secret Service put an armored automobile at the president’s disposal — a Cadillac that the Treasury Department had seized from Al Capone.
Roosevelt eventually received armored limos made just for him, beginning a tradition of specialized presidential cars."
Presidential Power on the Road
"The next president will likely travel in an armored, fortress-like Cadillac unlike any other."
"AFTER President McCain or Obama takes the oath of office in January, he may have a shiny new black limousine to go along with his not-so-new White House. General Motors is believed to be putting the final touches on a new First Car.
"An analysis of unauthorized photographs taken while the car was being tested last summer on public roads suggests that the presidential ride will be a truck-based Cadillac. It will presumably replace the Cadillac that President Bush has used since 2005."
Presidential limos would have great appeal to collectors. But the Secret Service has shown no enthusiasm for letting recent White House cars fall into private hands. When the cars are retired, they often disappear, to be destroyed or used in Secret Service training."
It's Time for Drive-Thru Voting
"Chaos, that's what. Election officials worry about technology breakdowns, flawed voter lists and other problems. Early voting and absentee ballots help ease the crush, but it's time to seriously consider an idea that has emerged this year -- drive-through voting.
The idea has caught on in places like California's El Dorado and Sonoma counties and Douglas County, Oregon. It's cheap, it's easy and it should be replicated everywhere."
Campaigns Use Anything With Wheels to Get Out the Vote
"With Election Day upon us, Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama have shifted their focus from tearing each other apart to getting out the vote. They want every one of their supporters to pull a lever, tap a touchscreen or punch a ballot, and they're doing everything they can to get them to the polls.
Convincing people to vote is different than actually getting them to vote, and the campaigns — and their armies of supporters — know it. So they're pulling out all the stops to get voters to the polls. "We have drivers and we have vans," Obama volunteer Val Scarborough told "We're doing everything in our power to get people out.""
"With so many ground workers transporting so many people to their polling place, it's hard to imagine that this kind of thing used to be illegal. According to a New York Times article from 1912, giving a fellow American a ride to the polls violated the Corrupt Practices Act."
"Turnout expected to break all records — some say as many as 80 percent of registered voters will cast a ballot today — and voters are going to great lengths to make their voices heard. But the most extreme example has to be the couple living in India who didn't receive their absentee ballots, so they spent 22 hours flying to New York to cast their votes. "We decided it was important to stand up and be counted," Susan Scott-Ker told The New York Times.
It's crazy, but it's awesome. And if they can do it, so can we. Whether you drive, bus, fly or walk, please make sure you hit the polls this year."
The Best and The Worst McCain Vs Obama Get-Out-The-Votemobiles, from Jalopnik.
Some Gas Stations Running on Empty
"Most of the gas stations in my neighborhood don’t sell gas anymore.
It happened gradually, but one by one they started roping off the pumps and putting up “no gas” signs. They do repairs, emissions testing and some sell candy, but they don’t pump gas."
VB can't remember how many times she has had to veer her car recently, due to roadkill. It seems to be all over the place right now - mostly squirrels.
Fatalities on the rise in vehicle-animal crashes"The study found that insurance claims for crashes with animals is three times higher in November than it is from January to September.
"The months with the most crash deaths coincide with fall breeding season," said Anne McCartt, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's senior vice president for research."
"No full-size sedans come close to meeting the new fuel economy requirements for New York’s car services.
Fuel-Efficient Black Cars: A Taximoron?
Is It Real or a Replica? The Factory Knows All
"Manufacturers now offer verification services for collectors looking to avoid duplicates."
"“There’s a lot of shenanigans going on, with some people building duplicates or turning one car into another one that’s more valuable” said Adam Rowley, vice president for technical services at Ferrari North America. “Some people have built very good replicas and have been upfront about it. But others have not been so upfront.”"
Drive if You Dare: The World's Scariest Cars
VB may have played a different version of this song before, but this one is full of all the same bright colors seen in the VW photos above.
The Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today
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