Monday, January 22, 2007

Ladies, behave yourselves!

From Yahoo News is mention of a book written by the Malaysian foreign minister's wife, Sharifah Aziah Syed Zainal Abidin, on how expat women, particularly diplomat wives, should conduct themelves.

A few article quotes will give you an idea of where this author's coming from:

"Don't be snide, don't gossip about the ambassador's wife and make sure your toilets are spotless." - I'm sure the ambassador's wife has a maid and she herself isn't running around with toothbrush in hand scrubbing up all the piss her errant husband dripped down the front of the bowl.

"Maintain a clean home and pay extra attention to your toilet/bathroom/powder room and the kitchen. This is yours and your country's image." - okay, she's also redundant.

"When your husband is posted to a difficult post, support him and do not give him unnecessary stress by complaining about the place." - I say misery loves company.

"Wives should be happy to be with their husband and their children wherever they are assigned." - no duh.

"Do not speak unless spoken to" and "Do not sit cross-legged," are quotes in reference to conduct at the royal palace.

I'm biting my tongue!

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